Montenegro Joins European History Teaching Observatory

CoE/Observatory on History Teaching in Europe (OHTE)

Following a year of successful co-operation with OHTE as an observer state, Montenegro has joined the Observatory on History Teaching in Europe as a fully-fledged member state on 1 March 2025.

The importance of enlarging the Observatory's membership was highlighted on numerous occasions during OHTE's Annual Conferences. Membership of a greater number of countries in the work of the Observatory will enable a completer and more inspiring picture of the state of history teaching in Europe.

The Observatory on History Teaching in Europe is an Enlarged Partial Agreement of the Council of Europe, whose mission is to promote quality education in order to enhance the understanding of democratic culture. The Observatory provides a clear picture of the state of history teaching in its member states, based on reliable data and facts on how history is taught, through general and thematic reports.

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