Montréal-Nord Unveils New Sports Centre

Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada

A further step has been taken towards a new modern aquatic sports complex that will be built in Montréal-Nord on the site of the former Garon arena, thanks to contributions of $88 million from the City of Montreal and $15 million from the federal government.

This announcement was made by Emmanuel Dubourg, Member of Parliament for Bourassa, Caroline Bourgeois, Mayor of Rivière-des-Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles, responsible for Sports and Recreation and for East Montreal on the Executive Committee of the City of Montreal and Christine Black, Borough mayor of Montréal-Nord.

This funding will allow for the construction of the sports section, which will include a double gymnasium, a gymnastics hall, a three-lane walking track, locker rooms, bleachers, and administrative offices for organizations. Adapted to the current and future needs of the community, this modern facility will offer enhanced and diversified recreational and sports programs for citizens of all age groups in the borough of Montréal-Nord. The centre aims to improve access to sports facilities for all, promote the adoption of healthy lifestyles, and strengthen the local social fabric.

The design of the new building follows a rigorous sustainable development approach. The goal is to achieve a LEED Gold v4 certification, ensuring optimal energy efficiency, responsible resource use, and a reduced environmental footprint. Furthermore, the project will integrate the new building standards provided in the BCZ-Design v4 standard, meeting the latest standards for ecological performance and climate resilience. This new sports centre embodies Montréal-Nord's commitment to sustainability, inclusivity, and the well-being of its entire community, while actively contributing to improving the quality of life for its citizens.

Aquatic Component

Before the confirmation of financial contributions from other levels of government, the City of Montreal had already planned investments estimated at $88M in this project for the construction of the pool. With the desire to move forward quickly, the aquatic component of the sports complex has already been in planning for two years. Once the project's financial structure is completed and the construction work is finished, the sports and aquatic facilities will be connected.

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