More Access To Pharmacotherapy Across Victoria

VIC Premier

The Allan Labor Government is making sure Victorians seeking help for opioid dependence can access medical treatment, closer to home - with a new pharmacotherapy grants program.

Minister for Mental Health Ingrid Stitt today announced the 15 community health services who will share in $8.4 million to expand the availability of this life-changing addiction treatment.

Pharmacotherapy is the use of medication (such as methadone and buprenorphine) to help treat opioid dependence and is an essential part of Victoria's efforts to reduce drug harm, with around 15,000 Victorians using pharmacotherapy each day.

Until now, pharmacotherapy services have largely been provided by GPs, nurse practitioners and state-funded clinics across Victoria - making these new grants for community health services a critical tool in filling service gaps by providing these services where they are needed most.

Funding will be provided over three years to the following metro and regional community health services:

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