More Charges Filed Against Southern Region Officer

Further charges have been laid against a police officer following an investigation into alleged fraudulent insurance claims.

In April 2023, Strike Force Merthyr was established to investigate after two vehicles were suspiciously destroyed by fire in the Murray River region.

Following inquiries, a 34-year-old male constable - attached to a command in the Southern Region - was charged in January 2024. He remains before the courts.

On receipt of legal advising, officers attached to Strike Force Merthyr issued the officer a court attendance notice today (Thursday 6 March 2024), for intentionally publish or communicate protected information, possess unauthorised prohibited firearm, handle/use firearm under the influence of alcohol or drug and give pistol to person not authorised by licence or permit.

He will next appear at Albury Local Court on Tuesday 18 March 2025.

The officer's employment status remains under review.

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