More Power Bill Support For Territorians From Monday

NT Government

Territory households and small businesses will receive more support with their energy bills from next Monday.

With the Federal Government's energy bill relief credit of $300 for every household combined with the Lawler Labor Government's Community Service Obligation (CSO), power costs for Territory households will be around $1500 less on average in the 2024-25 financial year compared to if this support wasn't provided.

The Federal Government's energy bill relief credit for small businesses of $325, combined with the Lawler Labor Government's CSO for small businesses of an average $2200 each year, Territory small businesses power costs will be over $2500 on average less in the 2024-25 financial year compared to if this support wasn't provided.

Budget 2024 provides a total of $164.2 million in community service obligation payments to Power and Water Corporation and electricity retailers to subsidise utility costs.

Investing in the Community Service Obligation has been a key plank of the Lawler Labor Government's cost of living support for Territorians and Territory small businesses.

We know the importance of these cost of living initiatives and the difference they make to a household budget, that's why we're also investing in a range of other cost of living measures to support Territorians.

The Home and Business Battery Scheme saves homeowners and businesses up to $5000 on the purchase of batteries to store solar power. The installation of a battery saves a home around $900 a year on a power bill.

In Budget 2024, $8.2 million has been allocated to Back to School Vouchers - which were increased from $150 to $200 - to support families with the cost of schooling.

There is $5.7 million to continue the early childhood services subsidy for day care, three year old kindergarten and family day care services to assist parents and families with childcare costs.

We're investing $5.7 million in the Sports Voucher Scheme for school aged children and Learn to Swim voucher for children under five.

Budget 2024 includes $8.4 million in funding for the Seniors Recognition Scheme, which has been boosted by $50 - up from $500 to $550. It provides an annual prepaid card for Territory residents aged over 65.

The Territory Labor Government has minimised total registration cost increases to around 1% - much lower than the inflation rate. Vehicle registration costs from 1 July, will on average increase by less than $10.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Essential Services and Sport Kate Worden:

"The increased cost of living is being felt by all Territorians and that's why we are investing more than $200 million in cost of living support for Territory households and small businesses.

"The Lawler Labor Government will also focus on supporting Territorians with the cost of living and we've increased back-to-school vouchers and the seniors recognition card because we know how important help Territorians with the increased cost of living.

"We can keep power price rises low for Territorians because we own Power and Water and Territory Generation - and we know the Opposition want to sell both these assets.

"We've been working with the Federal Government to ensure that extra power bill relief is delivered to Territorians from July 1."

Northern Territory Government

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