More Recreational Hunting Opportunities Available

  • Hon James Meager

Game bird hunters can look forward to more hunting opportunities in the future, with the Government announcing three new commercial upland game preserves today.

The new upland game preserve areas are:

  • Mangakahia (Whangārei) (359 ha)
  • Lagoon Hill (southern Wairarapa) (653 ha)
  • Grange Hill (South Canterbury) (2481 ha)

Each preserve area is on private land, with landowners providing pheasants for release and determining when their property will be open for hunting.

Hunting and Fishing Minister James Meager says this announcement supports the Government's commitment to make it easier for New Zealanders to hunt and fish.

"We want to support the growth of New Zealand businesses, which includes boosting opportunities for hunting. Commercial hunting business also provide local economic and employment benefits," says Mr Meager.

"Game preserves currently constitute a $7 million per year industry, employ about 40 people full-time, and provide recreational enjoyment for many people. We want to encourage opportunities to build on that.

"This a simple but effective step towards our ambitious growth agenda for New Zealand, and I am looking forward to bagging a pheasant or two when the new preserves open."

Notes to editor:

Game preserves are areas on private farmland where captive-bred pheasants are released and then hunted recreationally by paying clients. Under the Wildlife Act 1953, the Government needs to give permission for commercial upland game bird preserves to operate.

New Zealand has 22 commercial game preserves, including the three announced today.

Upland game birds are birds other than waterfowl. Under current regulations, upland gamebird hunting is restricted to pheasants and red-legged partridges.

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