More Support For Melbourne's Beloved Green Spaces

VIC Premier

Some of Melbourne's most popular parks and reserves, including the Royal Botanic Gardens at Cranbourne and Melbourne are getting funding to upgrade facilities, ensuring they stay great places to visit for Victorians and tourists.

Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D'Ambrosio announced $14.22 million from the Parks and Reserves Trust to help maintain and improve facilities at parks and reserves.

The coronavirus pandemic has made the state's parks and open spaces even more important to Victorians and the upgrades will ensure they remain beautiful havens for people to visit.

Cranbourne Botanic Gardens will have access to improved attractions including the garden's entry, Visitor Centre and the second stage of the Woodland Picnic Area and Biodiversity learning hub.

Pathways, fences, and irrigation systems will be improved at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne thanks to $8.52 million in funding.

Funding of $5.2 million has been provided for construction of a ramp at Gipps Street on the main Yarra Trail adding to the $3.3 million invested for design and consultation. The ramp will replace the existing stairs and improve access for wheelchair users, cyclists and parents with prams.

Other projects being funded include $150,000 to expand the Dandenong Ranges National Park by adding the crown reserve at 519 Basin-Olinda Rd. This funding will also be used to remove weeds and abandoned buildings.

A master plan and concept plan will also be funded for the Lower Patterson River Precinct which will help inform future projects to improve access to the river.

And the Caulfield Racecourse Reserve Trust will receive $150,000 to develop a business case for its plans to create one of the largest public spaces in Melbourne's south.

As stated by Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D'Ambrosio

"Our parks and reserves are special places so it's important that we continue to improve facilities and maintain them."

"Victoria's park and reserves have become even more important during the pandemic as a place for people to escape to - this funding will help to ensure they are properly maintained and continue to be a treasured."

As stated by Member for Cranbourne Pauline Richards

"Melbournians love the Botanic Gardens in Cranbourne and this funding will help to make sure it remains an attractive place for families to relax and exercise."

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