More Support For Our Emergency Services And Volunteers

VIC Premier

The Allan Labor Government is giving our emergency services and volunteers a funding boost - so they have the resources and equipment they need to keep Victorians safe - with the Fire Services Property Amendment (Emergency Services and Volunteers Fund) Bill 2025 set to be introduced into Parliament this week.

Victoria is one of the most fire-prone areas in the world and natural disasters such as fire, floods and storms are becoming more frequent and severe.

That's why from 1 July, the Emergency Services and Volunteers Fund (ESVF) will replace the Fire Services Property Levy (FSPL) to support a broader range of emergency services and disaster response and recovery efforts. This will bring Victoria into line with other states, which already have broad emergency service funding arrangements.

Every single dollar raised by this new fund will support our emergency services - helping them to keep communities safe year-round. Because our emergency services volunteers give our state so much, eligible CFA and VICSES volunteers and life members will be able to access an exemption.

After consultation with councils and emergency services, the Labor Government will also:

  • Simplify the administration of the fund for councils by introducing a rebate system for eligible volunteers and life members from the CFA and VICSES

  • Allow eligible volunteers to claim the rebate against a farm of which they are an owner, even if it isn't their principal place of residence - making it fairer for farmers who don't live on their farm

  • Allow the rebate to apply across a range of farm ownership structures - including trusts and companies, and farm businesses with separately titled land, with a full exemption available for farms valued at up to $5 million

  • Provide additional funding to support councils in the implementation of the fund.

From the ESVF, the Labor Government has dedicated more than $250 million to support CFA and VICSES volunteers across the state. As part of this major funding package, the Allan Labor Government will invest $70 million to establish a rolling fleet replacement program for VICSES and the CFA - ensuring volunteers right across Victoria get new and upgraded trucks, tankers and pumpers to continue keeping Victorians safe.

As stated by Treasurer Jaclyn Symes

"We're making sure our emergency services have the sustainable funding and equipment they need to keep Victorians safe and to recover from natural disasters."

As stated by Minister for Emergency Services Vicki Ward

"Natural disasters are increasing in frequency, and our population is growing - putting more pressure on thousands of those in our emergency services. Our package of more than $250 million recognises their hard work and ensures the sustainability of units and brigades across Victoria."

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