The Morrison Government will provide $12 million to help smaller tourism operators promote their business and reach new customers to take advantage of the Government-backed 800,000 discounted holiday flights.
The Government will provide $12 million to provide new photography and video material to up to 1,800 tourism operators from 57 regions around Australia. The program will be launched in Cairns this week with Tourism Australia meeting with local operators and industry to discuss details.
"We want Australians to do their patriotic duty and book a holiday and that's why we're turbo-charging confidence by providing 800,000 half-price airfares to tourist destinations around the country," Mr Tehan said.
"Every dollar spent on a holiday in Australia is a dollar that supports tourism jobs and businesses, so we want people to book their holiday through a travel agent, stay in hotels, eat at restaurants and try tourism experiences."
Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch said the initiative would showcase the many wonderful tourist attractions in Cairns and the surrounding region.
"Cairns is home to some of Australia's best tourism experiences and with our Government providing cheap airfares from all over Australia into Cairns, now is the time for our tourism providers to think about their marketing," Mr Entsch said.
"Tourism Australia will be working with our local operators to identify businesses and produce high-quality videos and photos that will increase the marketability of Cairns as a premier tourist destination."