More Time To Nominate Volunteers

Nominations for the Knox Community Awards have been extended to 7 April 2025. Do not miss your chance to honour volunteers for their valuable contribution in Knox.

Knox has a strong volunteering culture, with 13.1% of the population aged 15 and over, dedicating their time to some form of voluntary work. There are more than 17,000 volunteers that make a positive difference in Knox.

Our Awards recognise everyday volunteers for the important work they do, including supporting those in need, and helping important causes.

This is a great opportunity to nominate individuals, groups and organisations.

There are four award categories:

  • Knox Volunteer of the Year
  • Knox Community Organisation of the Year
  • Outstanding Volunteer Service
  • Recognition of Years of Service.

Winners will be announced at an event that will be held during National Volunteer Week (19-25 May) this year.

Nominations close 5pm 7 April 2025. For more information the Knox Community Awards webpage .

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