Morton Urges Mentors to Reflect on Power, Privilege

When serving as a mentor, it's important to think about the influence of one's power and privilege on mentor-mentee dynamics, according to Terrell Morton.

Terrell Morton speaks from behind a podium

Credit: Provided

Terrell Morton presents the 2025 MAC Public Keynote.

Morton, assistant professor of identity and justice in STEM education at the University of Illinois Chicago, gave the 2025 MAC Public Keynote on Mentoring within the Academy on Feb. 27, titled, "Lifting as You Climb: Accounting for Power and Privilege in the Mentoring of Early Career Professionals."

"I think intentionally about mentoring early career professionals and how those of us who are engaged in the space of mentoring, either in our current moments or in our future moments, can consider the power and the privileges that we possess and how we leverage that in our mentoring spaces," he said.

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