Campaspe Shire Council's mosquito monitoring program is continuing across the shire, treating breading sites and trapping insects this summer.
Director Community Safety and Recovery, Shannon Maynard said the program, jointly funded by the State Government and Council, usually operates across the summer season, from around November to March.
"Along with the traditional methods of trapping and treating breeding sites, residents concerned about their health are encouraged to receive the Japanese Encephalitis (JE) vaccination after consultation with their healthcare provider.
"Campaspe Shire's immunisation team is offering JE vaccinations at any of our public immunisation sessions. No bookings are required and it's a great way to keep yourself protected.
"Other infections to be cautious of are Murray Valley Encephalitis, Barmah Forrest Virus or Ross River Virus," Mr Maynard said.
"There's a couple of protective measures we can all take, wearing long sleeves, using a repellent that contains DEET (diethyltoluamide) or picaridin, and trying to avoid being out during dusk and dawn.
"Another helpful tip is to remove any stagnant water that may be surrounding your property, including in depressions or even in plant pots.
"You should also check your fly screens and use mosquito netting where necessary," Mr Maynard added.