Mother's Day Classic announces an exciting collaboration with Vision Australia Radio on Mother's Day

Mother's Day Classic Foundation

The Women in Super Mother's Day Classic announces an exciting collaboration with Vision Australia Radio on Mother's Day

The Women in Super Mother's Day Classic (MDC), Australia's largest breast cancer fundraiser, is excited to announce a new collaboration with Vision Australia Radio (VAR) as our digital community broadcaster to celebrate this iconic event on Mother's Day.

In these challenging times, it's more important than ever to stay connected, keep active and bring the community together.

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, the Mother's Day Classic is now running as a virtual interactive event and offering supporters as well as the broader community the opportunity to participate in a virtual challenge. Registered participants gain access to an exclusive array of interactive content to become a part of something big and contribute to making a real difference on this special day.

The Mother's Day Classic is very pleased to be working with Vision Australia Radio to deliver a two-hour broadcast on Mother's Day on 10 May, to unite the community and help raise awareness and funds for life-changing breast cancer research.

There are strong synergies between our two community focused organisations and this collaboration enables us to celebrate a shared commitment to help communities stay connected and healthy.

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