Motorcycle Burglary Arrest

Armadale Detectives are investigating a series of burglary incidents in Byford and Seville Grove where several off-road motorcycles were stolen.

Yesterday, Thursday 16 May 2024, Armadale Detectives with the assistance of the Mandurah Rapid High Harm Offender Response team, executed a search warrant and arrested an 18-year-old man on Boat Way in Golden Bay in connection with the offences.

The man has been charged with:

• 2 x Aggravated Home Burglary and Commit

• 2 x Steal Motor Vehicle

• 1 x Attempted aggravated Home Burglary and Commit

He is due to appear before the Armadale Magistrates Court today, Friday 17 May 2024.

The investigation remains ongoing and a 16-year-old male currently remains outstanding.

As inquiries continue, detectives have released the following image of two motorcycles, which also remain outstanding.

Members of the public are urged not to approach suspects on the motorcycles and instead contact police immediately on 131 444.

Anyone with any information is urged to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or online via

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