Moulamein Master Plan Committee Seeks EOI

Murray River Council

Murray River Council is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from Moulamein residents to join the Moulamein Master Plan Community Steering Committee.

The committee will support Council's development of a Master Plan and Community Action Plan to support Moulamein's future growth and development.

The Plans will provide clear strategic direction for Council and the community, focusing on streetscapes, infrastructure, tourism, and various social projects.

To ensure strong community ownership, the Committee will serve as an advisory group, gathering feedback and ideas from the community and providing input to Council staff and consultants throughout the planning process.

Murray River Council Mayor, John Harvie said the Master Plan and Community Action Plan will be shaped by the people of Moulamein.

"This is a fantastic opportunity for community members to step up, have their say, and help guide the future of the town."

"Committee members will play a key role in encouraging community participation and ensuring the Plans reflect local priorities."

Cr Harvie said the master planning process will look at things like main street development, tourism initiatives and general town beautification.

"This then ensures we have action plans and agreed projects ready to go for when funding opportunities arise," he said

"If you have a passion for Moulamein's development and want to be part of this important initiative, we encourage you to submit an EOI."

EOIs are now open and can be submitted via Council's Your Say platform:

Steering Committee Membership is open to all residents of the Moulamein community.

While the Committee will be a key avenue for community representation, there will be broader consultation over the life of the project, ensuring that all residents, businesses, and stakeholders have the opportunity to contribute to the planning process.

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