Agriculture Victoria in conjunction with a local farmer are running a 2-day water workshop at Moyston in Western Victoria on 18 and 25 March.
The 2-day workshop will cover a broad range of topics from siting and construction of farm dams, planning and designing a water reticulation system, preparing a water plan and the more practical aspects of pipeline installation and construction.
Agriculture Victoria Land Management Extension Officer, Clem Sturmfels said the workshop is suitable for people new to farming as well as those with plenty of farming experience.
'Whether you are looking at your water options, planning to build a new dam or have signed up for the new East Grampians Rural pipeline this workshop is for you.
'The workshop will commence at 10 am and run until about 3 pm on both days.
'Each day will start with presentations and activities in the Moyston Recreation Reserve rooms followed by a farm visit after lunch,' he said.
Mr Sturmfels said a highlight of the workshop will be a presentation by local farmer Anthony Pola who, with his wife Jane and parents John and Karyn, run a mixed farming enterprise about 10 km north of Moyston.
'Anthony will discuss their experiences in installing more than 5 km of piping, tanks and troughs across their farm.
'He will also touch on their experience in siting, designing and constructing a drought reserve dam' he said.
Register now for the workshops.