MP Hanley Backs Yukon Tourism Growth with New Investment

Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency

CanNor's investment of nearly $800,000 will support seven tourism projects in the Yukon to build new programs, expand infrastructure, improve accessibility, and invest in green energy solutions

Tourism is a major contributor to the Yukon's economy. Businesses and organizations that provide unique experiences play a key role in getting locals involved and encouraging people from across the country and the world to visit the Territory. Increased visitation strengthens the local economy and benefits other businesses and attractions in the region.

Today, Dr. Brendan Hanley, Member of Parliament for the Yukon, on behalf of the Honourable Dan Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs, PrairiesCan and CanNor, announced that the Government of Canada is investing nearly $800,000 in strengthening the Yukon's tourism sector. This funding will assist seven businesses and organizations to offer new programs, experiences and services; expand their ability to accommodate overnight guests; improve accessibility; and transition to clean energy.

Through investments like these, the Government of Canada is supporting the expansion and diversification of businesses and organizations that provide accommodation and experiences in the North, further strengthening the Yukon's tourism sector.

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