MP McLeod Secures $350K Clean Energy Aid for Indigenous Northwest Territories

Natural Resources Canada

June 28, 2024 Fort Providence, Northwest Territories Natural Resources Canada

Many of Canada's rural and remote communities rely on diesel fuel to generate electricity - an energy source that comes with environmental, social and economic disadvantages. The Government of Canada is committed to transitioning to clean energy and to creating greater economic opportunity for communities.

That is why today, Michael McLeod, Member of Parliament for the Northwest Territories, on behalf of the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, announced $353,710 through the Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities Program to evaluate the potential of hydrokinetic turbines for generating electricity in Deh Cho communities.

This initiative, led by Big River Service Centre LP in partnership with the Canadian Hydrokinetic Turbine Testing Centre (CHTTC) and Gonezu Energy Corporation, will involve the proponents conducting site assessments and fostering collaboration and engagement with local communities as they explore the possibility of a transition from diesel to hydrokinetic energy sources.

The data will evaluate the benefits associated with the implementation of hydrokinetic-based micro-grid systems and support sustainable communities by enhancing the collective knowledge of their potential to reduce diesel use in remote communities across Canada.

This investment reaffirms the Government of Canada's commitment to supporting Indigenous leadership and remote communities in the Northwest Territories as they develop innovative clean energy solutions to displace fossil fuels, advance self-determination and combat climate change.

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