Mr Michael Riches to be nominated as Independent Commissioner Against Corruption

NT Government

The Northern Territory Government today announced the nomination of Mr Michael Riches for appointment as the new Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (ICAC), following the upcoming retirement of the current ICAC, Mr Kenneth Fleming QC in July 2021.

Chief Minister Michael Gunner said in accordance with the Protocol for the Appointment of Statutory Officers under the Northern Territory Integrity Framework, an Advisory Panel was convened to undertake the selection process and to make an independent recommendation for this important appointment.

The Advisory Panel comprised the Honourable Trevor Riley QC as former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory (as the Advisory Panel Chair), the Solicitor-General of the Northern Territory, Mr Nikolai Christup SC, and the Chief Executive Officer of the Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet, Ms Jodie Ryan.

"Our Government established the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption to restore trust in our democracy and its institutions and I thank the Advisory Panel for their consideration of this important appointment," Mr Gunner said.

"Mr Michael Riches has a deep understanding of public sector agencies, and has significant experience working in the ICAC establishment, as well as exceptional knowledge in the areas of corruption investigation, prevention and law enforcement."

"Mr Riches comes to the Northern Territory from South Australia, where he was the Deputy ICAC Commissioner – a role he has held for the last three years." he said.

Mr Riches completed a Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Legal Studies in 1997 and a Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Honours) in 2008, both from Flinders University. Following completion of his law degree he undertook the role of Solicitor with South Australia Police, before entering the Crown Solicitor's Office as Solicitor/Counsel in 2009.

A motion of the Legislative Assembly recommending the Administrator appoint Mr Riches as the ICAC is required before the appointment can officially be made.

The Government will formally move a motion recommending Mr Riches for appointment on Thursday 13 May 2021.

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