The University of Melbourne welcomes $9.5 million in funding from the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Genomics Health Futures Mission – Projects Grant Opportunity, announced by the Minister for Health Greg Hunt.
The three University of Melbourne research projects supported by the grants are:
- Achieving Equity in Genomic Health for Indigenous Australians – led by Professor Margaret Kelaher;
- Precision Medicine for a Life-Threatening Infantile Epilepsy – led by Professor Ingrid Scheffer, with precinct partners The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health and Murdoch Children's Research Institute; and
- SUPER-NEXT: Complete genome profiling for cancer of unknown primary – led by Doctor Richard Tothill, in partnership with Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.
University of Melbourne Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Jim McCluskey said the funding will enable the University to continue vitally important genomics research.
"We thank Minister Hunt and the Federal Government for supporting genomics research which is critical in the detection and management of diseases," Professor McCluskey said.
"I offer my congratulations to everyone involved in the projects that received a grant and acknowledge the achievements of the University's precinct partners and affiliates."