Murchison Green Hydrogen Project To Get H2 Headstart

Dept of Climate Change, Energy, Environment & Water

The Murchison Green Hydrogen (MGH) Project in Western Australia is the first project to be awarded funding under the Hydrogen Headstart program.

The 1500 MW project will receive up to $814 million in production support over a 10-year period from later this decade.

The MGH project is situated in the mid-west of Western Australia, approximately 15 km from the town of Kalbarri.

It is being developed by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP).

The hydrogen and ammonia production facility will operate completely off-grid. Stage 1 is planned to be powered by

  • 1,200 MW of solar photovoltaic
  • 1,700 MW of onshore wind
  • 600 MW/2-hour battery energy storage system.

The renewable ammonia could be exported to Japan, the Republic of Korea, Singapore or Europe. Water for the project will come from a new desalination plant.

CIP forecasts that this project could create approximately 3,600 construction jobs (at peak) and 600 ongoing jobs.

It will unlock private investment and generate new export opportunities.

Hydrogen Headstart is a competitive, merit-based program designed to provide operating funding support to successful large‑scale renewable hydrogen projects in Australia. It is administered by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA).

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