Murray River Council Names New CEO

Murray River Council

Murray River Council is pleased to announce the appointment of Stacy Williams as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO), following an extensive recruitment process.

Ms Williams brings a wealth of experience in local government and leadership, with her most recent role being Director, Healthy Communities and Environments at City of Greater Bendigo. She has also served as a Director at Gannawarra Shire and in various roles at Campaspe Shire Council.

An Echuca-Moama local, Stacy is also Chairperson of the Echuca Regional Health Board, having held a board position since 2021.

With a strong background in statutory and corporate services, community development and emergency management, Ms Williams is well-positioned to guide the Council through its next phase of growth.

Mayor Cr John Harvie welcomed the appointment.

"We are delighted to have Stacy join the Murray River Council team."

"She has a proven track record in delivering positive outcomes for communities, and we are confident she will bring strong leadership and innovation to our region."

"With over 19 years of experience in rural and regional Local Government, we believe Stacy will slot-in perfectly alongside our staff and councillors, whilst also offering fresh ideas and perspectives," Cr Harvie said.

In welcoming Ms Williams, Cr Harvie also acknowledged the efforts of Acting CEO Sarah Ryan.

"I would also like to thank Sarah for the excellent job she is doing in the role of Acting Chief Executive Officer," he said.

"Sarah is a well-respected leader in our community and her efforts acting in the role over the last few months have been exceptional."

Ms Ryan will continue in the acting role until Ms Williams officially commences as CEO on 14 April, 2025.

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