A new garden area has been nurtured to life at the Museum of the Riverina's Botanic Gardens site.
This garden area, located in the backyard area of the museum, has been established through thoughtful sustainable landscaping and the use of local plant species.
As part of Wagga Wagga's Seniors Festival in March, members of the community will be able to learn about the planning and execution of this sustainable native garden project at the museum by seeing firsthand how it was done.
The 'Walking in Nature' guided tours will be led by Museum Assistant Matthew Brassil, who was involved in the design and construction of the garden, and Council's Environmental Education Officer Christina Reid.
"The garden's plants are all local to the Willans Hill area," Mr Brassil said.
"In November 2023 a contractor commenced building the garden's retaining walls using large rocks to terrace the sloped area, and when that was completed, we started the planting."
The garden was constructed with more than 600 plants, all typically found locally on rocky ridges as opposed to the river flats.
"The garden space is inspired by a white box woodland. White box dominates the higher terrace, with wattles on the next level, and smaller plants on the lowest terrace areas." said Mr Brassil.

The two free 'Walking in Nature' tours will be held on Tuesday 4 March and Friday 14 March, between 10am and 11am.
Environmental Education Officer Christina Reid said participants on these tours will learn about how this garden area was designed without the need of irrigation.
"I'm sure these tours will inspire participants to think about their own home gardens and hopefully consider water wise gardening in any future plans they may have for their own gardens," Ms Reid said.
"The garden established here at the museum works well as an example of sustainable garden landscaping, by putting the right plant in the right place.
"It's so rewarding to see the native fauna inhabiting the site; with a wide variety of birds visiting regularly to feed and use the water bowls, and large and small skinks and even a bearded dragon have taken up residence."

Participants on the tours will also be able to view other features in the garden including a range of large objects from the museum's collection, including a section of the old Hampden Bridge and a brick maker.
The tours are free, but booking are essential as places are limited.
WHEN: Tuesday 4 March and Friday 14 March, 10am-11am
WHERE: Museum of the Riverina – Botanic Gardens site
127 Lord Baden Powell Drive
TICKETS: The tours are free, but booking are essential as places are limited.
To get your tickets, go here: