NAIDOC Week is a special time to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, culture and achievements and is an opportunity to recognise the contributions Indigenous Australians make to our country and society.
This year's theme is Heal Country, Heal Our Nation. Healing Country means hearing those pleas to provide greater management, involvement, and empowerment by Indigenous peoples over country.
Healing Country means embracing First Nation's cultural knowledge and understanding of Country as part of Australia's national heritage and respecting the culture and values of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders.
Healing Country is about the historical, political, and administrative landscapes adapting to empower and celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, nations, and heritage.
Activities planned for Ballina Shire:
Monday 5 July from 10am
The annual Celebration Walk starts from the Ballina RSL Club and proceeds along River Street to the Ballina Visitor Information Centre for the official flag raising ceremony. Refreshments, BBQ, stalls and games are staged in the carpark behind the Visitor Information Centre, and morning tea will be provided for community Elders in the Richmond Room.
Please note there will be a temporary road closure for vehicle access to River Street, from Grant Street, Moon Street, Cherry Street, Martin Street and Las Balsas Plaza from 9.30am to 11.30am.
Tuesday 6 July 10am – 3pm
Missingham Park Amphitheatre
Cultural family celebration day with food, activities and performances.
For more information on these and other activities planned for NAIDOC Week in Ballina Shire visit Council's website or