Judging is under way for the Napier Waller Art Prize 2024. The exhibition at Australian Parliament House opens to the public on Friday 10 May.
A panel of art experts and professionals will select the winning work from the shortlist of 17 highly commended entries displayed in the exhibition.
Supported by the Australian War Memorial and held biennially, the Napier Waller Art Prize is open to current and former Australian Defence Force personnel.
The competition aims to promote artistic excellence among Australia's service personnel, while encouraging them to record their diverse experiences.
The winning artist will receive a $15,000 cash prize and their prize-winning entry will be accepted into the Memorial's National Collection. The exhibition is open until 13 October 2024.
The Napier Waller Art Prize online exhibition features 29 short-listed works, including the 17 highly commended entries. All short-listed artists are eligible for the People's Choice Award, which has a cash prize of $5,000. Voting for the People's Choice will be conducted via the Memorial's website until 13 October, when the exhibition closes.