NAPLAN Testing Begins Today

NT Government

The Northern Territory Department of Education and Training is committed to supporting young Territorians to make the most of their schooling and set them up for future success.

Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are taking part in the National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) which runs from today until Monday 24 March 2025.

Susan Bowden, Chief Executive of the department highlighted the importance of NAPLAN.

"Regular testing along the way of a student's life at school is an important step in making sure our young Territorians leave school ready for work or further study."

As children progress through their school years, it is important to check along the way and gauge how well they are learning the valuable skills of reading, writing and mathematics.

Ms Bowden said strong academic skills provide students with more options and pathways for their future career.

"Regardless of a young student's future ambitions or pathways, ensuring they leave school with a strong foundation in these skills is a crucial element to unlocking their full potential.

"The department is focused on boosting literacy and numeracy across the Territory. NAPLAN is for everyone, and it is important that everyone participates," she said.

NAPLAN results enable teachers to identify student strengths and areas for improvement, providing opportunities to work with the student and their family to improve outcomes.

Students are not required to study for NAPLAN as the skills tested are developed by students over time through the curriculum. NAPLAN tests do not include new content that a student must learn prior to the tests.

Since 2023, NAPLAN testing has occurred in March providing valuable test data to teachers to better identify and access what supports students may require for the coming year.

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