As a result of the January 2022 storm events, Council engaged the services of consultant hydrologists and engineers to design solutions to undertake hydraulic modelling and design of a stormwater drainage system.
The purpose of the proposed design is to mitigate impacts of local flash flood storm events on urban areas of Narrandera, and at the same time consider future usability of the road networks and public places, while being financially achievable.
This solution proposes three drainage line improvements that will provide flood mitigation to cater for a 1-in-100-year storm event, such as those experienced in early 2022. The combined construction cost to achieve the ultimate upgrade outcome is estimated at $5,900,000. A further report will be presented to Council in the coming months to consider the most suitable and viable way of funding the project.
The proposed works have been broken up into the following components:
- Proposed Line 1: Bolton and Cadell Streets concrete lined inlet channel between Charles and Arthur Streets, through to Marie Bashir Park, estimated cost $2,500,000.
- Proposed Line 2A: Marie Bashir Park at Twynam and Adams Streets 3.6 x 1.2 meter box culvert, estimated cost $2,850,000.
- Proposed Line 3: Cadell and Larmer Streets 1.2 meter concrete pipe, estimated cost $550,000.
While the ultimate design will include all three sections of upgrade, it is recommended that the minimum works should include the two-drainage line 1 and 2A works to ensure a continued and completed drainage system is available, with an estimated combined construction cost of $5,350,000. Proposed Line 3 is additional and can be undertaken as a separate project.
Council is hosting a public information session at the EOC in Twynam Street, Monday 6 June opening at 5:45pm for a 6pm start, where the proposal will be explained in more detail.
Council is seeking any feedback on the proposed upgrade by 4.30pm Friday 1 July 2022.
Council has also created a collection of frequently asked questions (FAQs).
To view the FAQs and/or give feedback please click here.