NASA Drones Tested for Fire Response, Micrometeorology

5 Min Read
Brayden Chamberlain, UAS Pilot in Command, performs pre-flight checks on the NASA Alta X uncrewed aerial system (UAS) during NASA FireSense's uncrewed aerial system (UAS) technology demonstration in Missoula, Montana.
Pilot in command Brayden Chamberlain performs pre-flight checks on the NASA Alta X quadcopter during the FireSense uncrewed aerial system (UAS) technology demonstration in Missoula.
Credits: NASA/Milan Loiacono

In Aug. 2024, a team of NASA researchers and partners gathered in Missoula, to test new drone-based technology for localized forecasting, or micrometeorology. Researchers attached wind sensors to a drone, NASA's Alta X quadcopter, aiming to provide precise and sustainable meteorological data to help predict fire behavior.

Wildfires are increasing in number and severity around the world, including the United States, and wind is a major factor. It leads to unexpected and unpredictable fire growth, public threats, and fire fatalities, making micrometeorology a very effective tool to combat fire.

This composite image shows the NASA Alta X quadcopter taking off during one of eight flights it performed for the 2024 FireSense UAS technology demonstration in Missoula. Mounted on top of the drone is a unique infrastructure designed at NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton,Virginia, to carry sensors that measure wind speed and direction into the sky. On the ground, UAS pilot in command Brayden Chamberlain performs final pre-flight checks.
NASA/Milan Loiacono

The campaign was run by NASA's FireSense project, focused on addressing challenges in wildland fire management by putting NASA science and technology in the hands of operational agencies.

"Ensuring that the new technology will be easily adoptable by operational agencies such as the U.S. Forest Service and the National Weather Service was another primary goal of the campaign," said Jacqueline Shuman, FireSense project scientist at NASA's Ames Research Center in California's Silicon Valley.

The FireSense team chose the Alta X drone because the U.S. Forest Service already has a fleet of the quadcopters and trained drone pilots, which could make integrating the needed sensors - and the accompanying infrastructure - much easier and more cost-effective for the agency.

The UAS pilot in command, Brayden Chamberlain, flashes a "good to go" signal to the command tent, indicating that the NASA Alta X quadcopter is prepped for takeoff. Behind Chamberlain, the custom structure attached to the quadcopter holds a radiosonde (small white box) and an anemometer (hidden from view), which will collect data on wind speed and direction, humidity, temperature, and pressure.
NASA/Milan Loiacono

The choice of the two sensors for the drone's payload was also driven by their adoptability.

The first, called a radiosonde, measures wind direction and speed, humidity, temperature, and pressure, and is used daily by the National Weather Service. The other sensor, an anemometer, measures wind speed and direction, and is used at weather stations and airports around the world.

The two sensors mounted on the NASA Alta X quadcopter are a radiosonde (left) and an anemometer (right), which measure wind speed and direction. The FireSense teams hopes that by giving them wings, researchers can enable micrometeorology to better predict fire and smoke behavior.
NASA/Milan Loiacono

"Anemometers are everywhere, but are usually stationary," said Robert McSwain, the FireSense uncrewed aerial system (UAS) lead, based at NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. "We are taking a sensor type that is already used all over the world, and giving it wings."

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