NASA Experts Talk Human Spaceflight at Law College

Center Director Dr. Jimmy Kenyon gives an overview of NASA Glenn Research Center's areas of expertise and how it supports the agency's missions and programs.
Credit: NASA/Susan Valerian

NASA Glenn Research Center's Director Dr. Jimmy Kenyon and Chief Counsel Callista Puchmeyer participated in a local symposium that addressed the operational and legal challenges of human spaceflight. The one-day conference was held at the Cleveland State University (CSU) College of Law on Feb.13.

Kenyon gave a keynote that provided an overview of NASA Glenn's areas of expertise and how the center supports the agency's missions and programs. He also talked about the role of growing commercial partnerships at NASA.

Panelists, left to right: Col. (Ret.) Joseph Zeis, senior advisor for Aerospace and Defense, Office of the Governor of Ohio; Callista Puchmeyer, chief counsel, NASA's Glenn Research Center; and Jon. P. Yormick, international business and trade attorney, Yormick Law, answer questions on operational and legal challenges of human spaceflight at a Cleveland State University College of Law symposium.
Credit: NASA/Susan Valerian

Puchmeyer, a graduate of CSU's College of Law and recent inductee into its Hall of Fame, participated in a panel about Northeast Ohio's aerospace industry and the legal aspects of commercial partnerships.

Additionally, human spaceflight experts from academia, law, and science spoke throughout the day on topics ranging from the health and training of astronauts to the special law of space stations. Romanian astronaut Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu joined remotely to provide a personal perspective.

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