NASA Glenn Welcomes Spring 2025 Interns

Students from colleges and universities across the country gather to start their adventure as spring interns at NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland.
Credit: NASA/Jef Janis

NASA's Glenn Research Center is hosting 45 spring interns at its Cleveland and Sandusky, Ohio, campuses through May 16. This group represents 43 universities across the country, spanning from Arizona to Ohio to Texas.

Through NASA's internship programs, students gain practical experience while working side-by-side with scientists, engineers, and individuals from many other professions. The interns are contributing to a broad range of innovative projects, such as AI-driven aerospace design, electrified aircraft visualization, spaceflight material flammability, superconducting coil testing, fission surface power for sustained lunar and Martian exploration, and more.

Their research supports NASA's mission in advancing aeronautics, space technology, and scientific discovery. Several students are returning for repeat internships, reinforcing NASA Glenn's role as a leader in STEM workforce development.

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