NASA Library Partners Train Millions for Eclipse Event

2 min read

The Space Science Institute, with funding from the NASA Science Mission Directorate and Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, provided unprecedented training, support, and supplies to 15,000 libraries in the U.S. and territories in support of public engagement during the 2023 and 2024 eclipses.

From September 2022 to September 2024, these efforts included:

  • Co-development efforts with 3 NASA@ My Library Partner Libraries in the "Square of Awesome" (where both the total and annular eclipse crossed) led to the distribution of 50 NASA@ My Library Solar Science Kits to libraries with a high percentage of Spanish speaking patrons.
  • Over 6 million solar viewers distributed to approximately 15,000 public libraries (with some school libraries included), distributed to every US state and territory.
  • Over 2,000 in-person workshop attendees at 78 in-person solar science workshops in almost every state and territory
  • Final workshops scheduled for Hawaii (4 islands) and American Samoa
  • A total of 217 Solar Eclipse Activities for Libraries (SEAL) Solar Science Kits distributed to State Libraries
  • Over 49,062 programs held at public libraries reaching more than 2.8 million patrons

One public library staff member had this to say: "People who haven't been into the library for 20+ years came in to get glasses, and we had a lot of new library cards generated in late March. Our door counts were over pre-pandemic for the first time since 2019. Thank you for making this possible!"

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