NASA Releases Its Spinoff 2025 Publication

The 2025 Spinoff publication features more than 40 commercial infusions of NASA technologies.
Credit: NASA

The work NASA conducts in space leads to ongoing innovations benefiting people on Earth. Some of these latest technologies, which have been successfully transferred from NASA to the commercial sector, are featured in the latest edition of NASA's Spinoff 2025 publication now available online.

The publication features more than 40 commercial infusions of NASA technologies, including research originated at NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland.

Parallel Flight Technologies' Firefly aircraft is designed to run for 100 minutes while fully loaded, allowing the aircraft to perform agricultural surveys as well as assist in the aftermath of natural disasters.
Credit: Parallel Flight Technologies Inc.

Bringing Hybrid Power to the Rescue

A NASA-funded hybrid power system makes drones more capable in disasters.

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