NASA Statement on Nomination of Margaret Vo Schaus for Agency CFO


The following is a statement from acting NASA Administrator Steve Jurczyk on Thursdays announcement of the intended nomination by President Joe Biden of Margaret Vo Schaus to serve as the agencys chief financial officer:

The chief financial officer is critical to the success of NASAs long-term missions. Through her past work in government, Margaret has demonstrated exceptional management skills and a commitment to lifting up and supporting a diverse workforce. If confirmed, I look forward to working with Margaret and the Biden administration to develop and execute NASAs more than $20 billion budget and ensuring the agency remains a good and responsible steward of every tax dollar invested in NASA.

Schaus is a career member of the Senior Executive Service. Over the past decade, she has held numerous leadership roles with responsibility for the financial management and business operations of science and engineering organizations at the Departments of Energy and Defense. She currently serves as the director for business operations in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, where she is responsible for oversight of a multibillion-dollar budget. Schaus has been recognized with awards, including the Office of the Secretary of Defenses Exceptional Civilian Service Award, the Department of Energys Distinguished Career Service Award, and the Secretary of Energys Honor Award.

Schaus is a first-generation Vietnamese American, born in Michigan and raised in Southern California. She received Bachelor of Arts degrees in science, technology, and society, as well as English from Stanford University, and a Master of Science in management science and engineering from Stanford University.

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