Natimuk Competes For Top Tourism Town Award

Natimuk Competes for Top Tourism Town Award Natimuk is vying for recognition in the Victorian Top Tourism Town Awards, with locals encouraged to help highlight the town's charm and appeal.

Community support can play a crucial role in the nomination, with residents and visitors urged to leave positive reviews for local businesses on Google or TripAdvisor.

Whether it's a favorite café, accommodation spot, or the renowned Mount Arapiles-Tooan State Park, these reviews contribute to showcasing why Natimuk deserves the title of Victoria's Top Tiny Tourism Town.

Horsham Rural City Council, in partnership with advertising agency Aubrey + Areegra, is preparing the town's official entry.

As part of the campaign, a film crew will visit Natimuk on April 3 and 4 to capture the essence of the town and its unique attractions.

Locals will also have the opportunity to feature in the promotional film.

A community gathering at the Natimuk pub on the evening of April 4 invites residents to be extras, enjoying a drink and mingling while contributing to the town's warm and welcoming image on camera.

With its stunning natural landscapes and vibrant local culture, Natimuk is set to shine in the competition.

The push to promote the town is an opportunity to celebrate everything that makes it a must-visit destination in Victoria.

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