National Anti-Gangs Squad arrests in Tasmania, bike seized

The seized bike loaded onto a tow truck

This is a joint media release between the AFP and Tasmania Police

Three alleged Tasmanian Nomad Outlaw Motorcycle Gang (OMCG) members and affiliates have been charged this week with a range of Commonwealth and state offences.

The Tasmanian Australian National Anti-Gangs Squad (NAGS) arrested two men, a 22-year-old Nomad member and a 51-year-old Nomad affiliate, in the suburb of Derwent Park on Monday (7 September 2020).

Police stopped the men and in addition to charging, also confiscated a motorcycle, alleged to be used in a series of hooning and serious traffic offences by a third man.

The two men appeared before Hobart Magistrates Court charged with supporting a criminal organisation contrary to section 390.4 of the Criminal Code 1995 (Cth).

If convicted they face a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment.

Both men were granted bail and will reappear before Hobart Magistrates Court - the 22 year old will appear on 10 September and the 51 year old will appear on 22 September 2020.

A 29-year-old man, also alleged to be a patched Nomad OMCG member, was yesterday (8 September 2020) arrested and charged with:

  • Operate vehicle in public place in an unnecessary execution of speed, acceleration or loss of traction.
  • Ride motor bike when not wearing helmet
  • Drive whilst disqualified
  • Carry a prohibited item (insignia)

He will appear in the Hobart Magistrates Court on 22 February 2021.

It will be alleged the 29-year-old was using the seized motorbike in the commission of the alleged traffic offending.

AFP Detective Sergeant Aaron Hardcastle said these charges highlight how serious the AFP is about cracking down on OMCGs in Tasmania.

"We are committed to working with Tasmania Police and all our partners to stay one step ahead of those who would seek to commit organised criminal activity in this state," Detective Sergeant Hardcastle said.

Detective Inspector Damien George said that Tasmania Police's aim was to disrupt the criminal activities of people associated with outlaw motorcycle gangs across the state.

"We will continue to work closely with our partners at the AFP NAGS to achieve this," Detective Inspector George said.

"The community needs to be aware that outlaw motorcycle gangs are not harmless motorcycle clubs. They are well organised criminal gangs who readily resort to violence and intimidation to protect their way of life, causing fear across Tasmania and the rest of the country."

Tasmania NAGS, comprising of members from the Australian Federal Police and Tasmania Police, targets OMCGs involved in the movement of illicit drugs into and within Australia.

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