The Australian Human Rights Commission's framework includes key messages for healthcare.
The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has resources available online to help individuals and organisations understand the national anti-racism framework .
The framework specifically addresses anti-racism strategies for healthcare and calls to action for government.
The framework calls on the government to:
• recognise racism as a public health crisis and ensure it is identified as a national health priority
• fund targeted health programs for at-risk groups within First Nations and other negatively racialised communities
• mandate cultural safety and anti-racism training for all healthcare workers through pre-service and continuing education requirements
• support greater access to healthcare through funding interpreter services as a standard practice.
The AHRC is coming to the next meeting of the AMA's Equity, Inclusion and Diversity Committee on 31 March to talk about how their framework intersects with the AMA's anti-racism position statement and how we can work together to identify tangible ways to address racism in healthcare.