Department of Health
The National Health and Medical Research Strategy (National Strategy) will build on Australia's strengths in health and medical research and leverage Australia's world-leading research capability. It will aim to attract researchers and investors and improve health outcomes in communities.
We invite you to join Ms Rosemary Huxtable AO PSM, Chair of the National Strategy, to learn about development work to date, including:
- the Health and Medical Research Workforce Audit
- community focus groups
- the Health and Medical Research Funding Landscape Review
- upcoming consultation plans.
Ms Huxtable will be joined by:
- Ms Natasha Ploenges, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Health and Medical Research Office
- Professor Steve Wesselingh, CEO of the National Health and Medical Research Council.
You can submit questions before the webinar through the registration process. There will also be a question and answers session at the end of the webinar.
Visit National Health and Medical Research Strategy - Chair webinar 2 - 7 April 2025 to register.
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