Minister for the Environment Sussan Ley has established the first National Koala Recovery Plan, setting clear strategies to support protection and population recovery, reduce disease impacts, and coordinate programs across multiple levels of government.
In releasing the plan today, Minister Ley said that she would also form a National koala recovery team which will guide the implementation of the plan and monitor outcomes.
"This plan coordinates action across all levels of government and the community and will produce significant improvements for endangered populations in Queensland, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory," Minister Ley said.
"Actions under the plan include the identification of nationally important populations, national monitoring, restoration of habitat, and community education in urban and peri-urban areas.
"In providing a national framework, the plan also considers the importance of the management of healthy populations in Victoria and South Australia.
"The plan is already supported by $74 million of Commonwealth koala funding for genomic research, disease prevention, a national koala census and extensive habitat restoration."
The recovery plan has been jointly made with the New South Wales Minister for Environment and Heritage, the Hon James Griffin MP and supported by ACT Minister for the Environment, the Hon Rebecca Vasarotti.
Read the National Koala Recovery Plan: