Two honorable heroes with ties to The University of Texas at Arlington are among the 3,528 Medal of Honor recipients whose stories of valor, humanity, patriotism and sacrifice are on display at the National Medal of Honor Museum in Arlington.
Col. Neel Ernest Kearby and Gen. Richard Cavazos ('49) were recognized with the Medal of Honor—the United States' highest award for military valor in action—for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity, at the risk of their lives and beyond the call of duty. Both attended the University when it was North Texas Agricultural College (NTAC) and participated in the Corps of Cadets.
The National Medal of Honor Museum opened its doors to the public on Tuesday, March 25, coinciding with National Medal of Honor Day. The museum serves as a national landmark and provides an unrivaled and interactive visitor experience that commemorates the historical thread of sacrifice, patriotism and courage that connects past and present members of the U.S. military.
For the opening ceremony, the UTA Army ROTC Color Guard—comprising Cadet Lt. Christina Fain, Cadet Maj. Emilie Evans, Cadet Pvt. Gbolahan Oguntoye, Cadet Sgt. Danielle Cooper, and Cadet Staff Sgt. Luisa De La Garza—presented the colors, in conjunction with the Fort Cavazos First Calvary Division Band.
"We are honored to have been part of such a great event and support the National Medal of Honor Museum," said Capt. Hunter Callahan, military history instructor. "It is badge of pride for the UTA Army ROTC to have two Medal of Honor recipients. They have set a good example of the type of character and leader that can come out of this program. It is a good motivator and inspirational tool for our cadets."
Col. Neel E. Kearby
Kearby attended NTAC from 1930-31 and later earned his degree in business administration from UT Austin. He then immediately enlisted as a flying cadet, achieving his rating and commission in 1938.
During World War II, Kearby volunteered to lead a flight of four fighters to reconnoiter the strongly defended enemy base at Wewak (present-day Papua New Guinea). Having observed enemy installations and reinforcements at four airfields and secured important tactical information, he saw an enemy fighter below him, made a diving attack and shot it down. The small formation then sighted approximately 12 enemy bombers accompanied by 36 fighters. Although his mission had been completed, his fuel was running low, and the numerical odds were 12 to 1, he gave the signal to attack. Diving amid the enemy airplanes, he shot down three in quick succession, then destroyed two more that were pursuing his comrade. The enemy broke off in large numbers to make multiple attacks on his airplane, but despite his peril he made one more pass before seeking cloud protection. Coming into the clear, he called his flight together and led them to a friendly base. Kearby brought down six enemy aircraft in this action, undertaken with superb daring after his mission was completed.
He was presented the Medal of Honor on Jan. 23, 1944, by Gen. Douglas MacArthur. His awards also include two Silver Stars, four Distinguished Flying Crosses and five Air Medals. In 1981, he was inducted to UTA's Military Science Hall of Honor.
On March 5, 1944, Kearby flew his final combat mission. While attacking a Japanese formation, his plane was hit by enemy fire and crashed near Wewak.
Gen. Richard Cavazos
While a student at NTAC, Cavazos participated in the Corps of Cadets, where he was part of the Sam Houston Rifles, reached the rank of cadet captain and served as a cadet company commander.
He was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army and was deployed to Korea, where he was selected as a platoon leader. While deployed in Vietnam, he commanded an infantry battalion of the First Infantry Division. He then commanded a brigade of the First Infantry Division at Fort Riley, Kansas, and later was the assistant division commander of the Second Armored Division at Fort Hood (renamed in his honor to Fort Cavazos in May 2023). In 1980, he was promoted to lieutenant general and then four-star general in 1982. Cavazos retired from the Army in 1984 after 33 years of service.
On Jan. 3, 2025, Cavazos was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions as a 1st Lt. in Sagimak, Korea, in June 1953. Under withering mortar and artillery fire, he repeatedly led his troops in close combat, directing fire and inspiring them with his leadership. Despite sustaining wounds, he refused evacuation, instead conducting multiple solo rescue missions, personally recovering wounded soldiers and ensuring every man was accounted for before tending to his own injuries.
Among his many awards and recognitions, he has been decorated with two Distinguished Service Crosses, two Silver Stars, a Distinguished Flying Cross, two Legion of Merit awards, five Bronze Star Medals, an Air Medal and the Purple Heart. He also proudly wore the Combat Infantryman Badge with star to signify his role in combat during two conflicts.
Cavazos was honored as a Distinguished Alumnus by the University in 1975 and was part of the 1980 inaugural class of UTA's Military Science Hall of Honor. He passed away on Oct. 29, 2017, in San Antonio, Texas, at the age of 88.