National Native Title Tribunal Member Appointment

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Simon Grant as a full-time member of the National Native Title Tribunal. Mr Grant's 5 year appointment will commence on 17 March 2025.

As a Member of the Tribunal Mr Grant will work closely with First Nations peoples as well as non-Indigenous Australians to assist with the negotiation of First Nations Land Use Agreements, facilitate the resolution of disputes about proposed future acts (such as the grant of a mining lease) or native title claims, and contribute to broader community education of native title.

Mr Grant's appointment will provide an additional member to the Tribunal as part of the Government's 2024-25 Budget measures to improve outcomes at all stages of the native title process.

Mr Grant was identified through a merit-based selection process. His expertise in conducting native title mediations will be an asset to the Tribunal and I congratulate him on his appointment.

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