Tajikistan has made significant efforts to ensure universal access to education and is strongly committed, in line with Sustainable Development Goal 4, to ensure high quality and accessible education to all throughout life and to provide the country's economy with competent workers, appropriate infrastructure, and modern and innovative technologies. To achieve those goals, the country needs contemporary curricula and well-trained teachers.
This national workshop will provide guidance on the national model for competency-based education using UNESCO's proposed approach and identify the strengths and weaknesses of the existing STEM subject standards, textbooks, and teaching/learning materials on STEM subjects (biology, chemistry, and physics). The workshop will also draft a set of concrete recommendations and a detailed plan for improving STEM subject standards, STEM textbooks, and available teaching/learning materials for grades 7-11 in close collaboration with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and gender specialists. It will also bring forward international experiences.
For registration and attending the event, please follow this link. After registration, you will receive an email with the event details.
Languages: English and Tajik (with simultaneous translation).
About the initiative:
The Competency-based Education STEM project in Tajikistan aims to revise textbooks, teaching and learning materials for select STEM subjects based on competency-based curricula for secondary education and IVET, train teacher trainers and teachers, and provide necessary ICT and STEM equipment to the teacher training institutes/centers. The Competency-based Education STEM project supports the Ministry of Education and Science (MoES) and the Ministry of Labor, Migration, and Employment (MoLMEP) of the Republic of Tajikistan in strengthening the quality of education and competency-based education in STEM subjects with the use of ICT. Additionally, the project will recommend best practices for STEM education materials and resources at the international and regional levels that could be integrated into Tajikistan's textbooks and learning materials.
A competency-based curriculum emphasizes what students should be able to do with the knowledge they acquire and realize individual, collective, and global good. Competency-based curriculum implies the resources, values, attitude, disposition, and ethics with which knowledge application should be done, which is why the ultimate impact should be individual, collective, and global good. This demands a more active role for students in learning environments and emphasizes learner agency, problem-solving, creative design, and inquiry. It also implies a different approach to learning, teaching, and assessment.