Nationals secure sustainable carbon farming safeguards

The Hon David Littleproud MP
Minister for Agriculture and Northern Australia
  • The government is ensuring Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) projects contribute to Australia's emission reduction efforts without having adverse impacts on agricultural production or local communities.
  • Final Public consultation is commencing on ERF Rule changes to allow the Minister for Agriculture to veto certain native forest regeneration projects where they will have negative impacts on regional communities and agricultural production. The consultation period will close on 14 January 2022.
  • The veto power would only apply to new or expanded native forest regeneration projects that make up more than a third of the farm and are larger than 15 hectares in area.
  • The changes would be given effect through changes to the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Rule 2015, a legislative instrument.
  • The Nationals as part of their support for a Net Zero target have secured stronger protections for agricultural assets and regional communities under the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF).

    Today the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources will open the last consultation period on new ERF rules to enhance monitoring of pest and weed management in ERF projects and manage impacts on agricultural production and regional communities.

    The rules will give the Minister for Agriculture, David Littleproud, the power to prevent certain types of large ERF native vegetation projects - covering an area of more than 15 hectares and more than one-third of a farm - from going ahead where there is evidence that the project would have an adverse impact on agricultural production or communities.

    "We've heard concerns from stakeholders that poorly designed and managed native forestry regeneration projects can negatively impact regional communities and agricultural production," Minister Littleproud said.

    "All farmers, including carbon farmers, need to manage their land well and do the right thing by their neighbours. There need to be safeguards in place to ensure that weeds, pests, and fire risks are actively managed, and the Nationals will secure this with these rule changes.

    "We need to consider the impact on agricultural production and regional communities. I don't want to see our prime agricultural regions turned into native vegetation behind locked gates.

    "This veto power is an important safeguard to ensure our regions benefit from net zero and are not harmed.

    "Farmers should be rewarded for good stewardship of their land, and native vegetation projects under the Emissions Reduction Fund will continue to be an important part of that.

    "I am committed to expanding the revenue streams available to farmers who improve the environment as a part of their land management.

    "Our emissions reduction plan will never be at the expense of agricultural land or farming families.

    "This measure would be given effect through changes to the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Rule 2015."

    The Emissions Reduction Fund sits within the portfolio responsibilities of the Minister for Industry, Energy, and Emissions Reduction, the Hon Angus Taylor MP.

    The consultation process will be undertaken by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources.

    The consultation paper is available on the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources consultation hub.

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