NATO Deputy Sec Gen Hosts Red Cross President


On Wednesday (12 March 2025), NATO Deputy Secretary General Radmila Shekerinska welcomed Mirjana Spoljaric Egger, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), to the North Atlantic Council. Ms. Shekerinska emphasised Allies' respect for the ICRC's mandate and highlighted the importance of NATO-ICRC cooperation on International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and humanitarian affairs.

NATO Deputy Secretary General Radmila Shekerinska meets with Mirjana Spoljaric Egger, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross at NATO Headquarters

The Deputy Secretary General commended the ICRC staff for providing assistance and relief to more than 90 countries, often in challenging and dangerous environments. For its part, NATO remains committed to including measures to protect civilians affected by armed conflict in the Alliance's military doctrine, education, training, exercises, planning, and the conduct of operations.

Ms Shekerinska highlighted NATO's longstanding and substantive cooperation with the ICRC, pointing to regular NATO-ICRC talks, cooperation on training, and on relevant NATO exercises. NATO's relationship with the ICRC is guided by a trilateral Memorandum of Understanding with NATO's two Strategic Commands. Ms Shekerinska also praised the work of the ICRC's Delegation in Brussels and noted that the recently-opened NATO Liaison Office in Geneva will help strengthen NATO-ICRC cooperation.

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