On 30 January 2023, the NATO Military Committee discussed the military cooperation between NATO and Georgia. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the current security situation in and around Georgia, its security sector development, its contributions to NATO-led missions and operations, and the maritime security in the Black Sea context.
Opening the meeting, the Chair of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Bauer welcomed the Georgian Military Representative, Brigadier General Irakli Dzneladze and his delegation to the first meeting in this format, this year. Admiral Bauer highlighted the importance of the NATO-Georgia Partnership, "NATO and Georgia have been Partners for almost 30 years, and over that time we have built a mutually beneficial cooperation that has both enriched and solidified our partnership". Brigadier General Dzneladze thanked Admiral Bauer for the opportunity to address the Military Committee. He emphasized that the Georgian Ministry of Defence "will continue to strengthen its efficient and results-oriented cooperation with the Alliance, through the full use of all practical mechanisms, and is looking, confidently, at 2023 being marked by intensified military cooperation and a deepened partnership with NATO".
In response to the briefing on Georgia's ongoing and future commitments to NATO's Operations and Missions, the Military Committee extended its thanks and congratulations to the Georgian Military Representative "for receiving the status of Potential Operational Partner in the expanded NATO Mission Iraq last year and for applying to become Operational Partner for our Operation Sea Guardian". Admiral Bauer noted that "Georgia has been a long-time and steadfast partners as well as a reliable force contributor to various NATO operations. I also welcome your intention to increase your participation in the NATO Response Force".
Moving to the second agenda item, the NATO Military Representatives were briefed on the ongoing security situation in and around Georgia, especially in the context of the ongoing war in Ukraine. "The permanent threat from Russia to our partners at risk is one of NATO's most important topics. Which is why at the Madrid Summit, NATO Heads of State and Governments agreed to step up political and practical support for those specific Partners, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, and the Republic of Moldova. We will help them strengthen their resilience and capabilities to defend themselves", commented Admiral Bauer.
The final discussion focussed on the ongoing risks and challenges emanating from the Black Sea Region, specifically within the maritime domain.