Naval Leaders Kilby, Topshee Convene for Strategic Talks

US Navy

Acting Chief of Naval Operations Adm. James Kilby met with Commander, Royal Canadian Navy Vice Adm. Angus Topshee, for an office call at the Pentagon in support of Partners in Defense, today.

Acting Chief of Naval Operations Adm. James Kilby met with Commander, Royal Canadian Navy Vice Adm. Angus Topshee, for an office call at the Pentagon in support of Partners in Defense, today.

The two leaders reaffirmed their commitment to a strong, bilateral defense partnership and discussed ways to strengthen naval operations, emphasizing alignment on approaches to emerging maritime challenges, particularly in the Arctic and Indo-Pacific.

Kilby thanked Topshee for the Royal Canadian Navy's active participation in large maritime exercises such as Rim of the Pacific , as well as their decades-long cooperation with Joint Interagency Task Force South to support drug interdiction through Campaign Martillo . The two leaders highlighted the importance of these joint and combined exercises and operations in enhancing interoperability and noted their commitment to all aspects of security of the continent.

The leaders also discussed future opportunities to collaborate on deterring aggression

through joint exercises, information sharing, and capability development, as well as the expansion of personnel exchange programs and training opportunities.

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