NDIS Online Data Updated 31 December 2024

The NDIA has updated our public data, now current as at 31 December 2024.

Find updated data at:

This data is useful to anyone wanting to understand the NDIS in more detail. Information can be searched by area of interest, including participant numbers, plan budgets, providers, markets and plan utilisation.

The participant, families and carer outcomes report executive summaries to 30 June 2024 were released on 16 December 2024.

These reports use the NDIS outcomes framework questionnaires to provide information about health and wellbeing outcomes for NDIS participants and their families and carers.

The Explore data tool will be refreshed with data as at 31 December 2024, in the coming weeks.

The NDIA regularly releases data about the NDIS. This is part of our commitment in the Participant Service Charter to be transparent.

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