NDIS Showing 'green Shoots' Of Cost Stabilisation

The latest NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) Quarterly Report shows the Scheme continues to improve outcomes for participants and highlights emerging stabilisation of NDIS cost growth.

The NDIS Quarterly Report (31 March 2024) shows the NDIS supporting more than 649,000 Australians, with the Scheme making a significant positive impact on people's lives, with;

  • 41% of participants aged 15 years and older who have been in the Scheme for 2 years or more reported increased participation in community and social activities - a relative increase of 19%
  • Participation in work has more than doubled from 10% at baseline to 22% at latest reassessment for participants aged 15 to 24 years who have been in the Scheme for 2 years or more
  • More than three-quarters of all participants aged 15 years and older who have been in the Scheme for 2 years or more reported the NDIS has helped them to have greater choice and control in their lives.

NDIA CEO Rebecca Falkingham said the latest Report also shows green shoots of NDIS cost stabilisation as a result of the implementation of more than $720 million in Federal Government initiatives to improve outcomes for NDIS participants and the sustainability of the Scheme. New data shows:

  • Plan inflation is down to 7.5% this quarter, the lowest rate since September 2021 and continuation of a downward trend observed since September 2022.
  • There has been a 14% reduction in the number of participants at risk of overspending their plan.
  • The NDIA has observed a stabilisation in the number of participants new to Supported Independent Living (SIL) over the past 12 months, reducing by more than 30%.
  • Figures show the number of participants aged 7-14 (mostly with developmental delay) transitioning out of the Scheme has increased from less than 3% per annum 12 months ago to an average of more than 6% per annum over past 2 months.

This work has been delivered in partnership with people with disability and the disability community through a program of collaboration and co-design.

The Agency remains optimistic National Cabinet's agreed annual growth target of 8% by 1 July 2026 will be reached, subject to the delivery of Government investment and proposed legislative and policy reforms arising from NDIS Review recommendations, which are anticipated to moderate NDIS cost growth.

The Agency also acknowledged that since late 2023, we have received a significant increase in the volume of requests from participants asking for a change to their NDIS plan which has resulted in higher than average number of participants seeking in-person support.

This has had a negative impact on the Agency's capacity to meet Participant Service Guarantee time frames over the recent quarter.

The Agency apologises for delays and is working diligently to improve wait times and to respond as quickly as possible to increased volumes by:

  • Establishing a dedicated team to prioritise urgent plan reviews based on participant risk factors
  • Recruiting more planners and NCC staff to meet the increasing demand • Increasing the number of staff supporting participant escalations
  • Making enhancements to our computer system to improve efficiencies and participants' experience.
  • Improving communications with plan managers and support coordinators about the important roles they plan in supporting participants to use their NDIS supports appropriately.

A six-month remediation plan is underway that prioritises first plans, unscheduled reassessments and targeted scheduled reassessments.

For the latest information on and access to all Quarterly Reports, visit our quarterly reports page.

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