Neighbours Axing Highlights Need for Stronger Content Rules

Reports that the iconic Australian series Neighbours has been axed highlight the urgency of local content rules for streaming services.

The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance is shocked at reports that producer Fremantle will terminate the show due to a decision by Amazon not to commission another season of the program.

"Neighbours has provided steady work to generations of performers and crew and is an integral part of Australia's screen industry infrastructure," said MEAA Acting Chief Executive Adam Portelli.

"Today's news is stark example of why the federal government needs to act now and implement local content quotas on streaming services to provide certainty for the Australian screen industry.

"Australian stories shouldn't be left to the whim of huge multinational corporations like Amazon, Netflix or Apple.

"MEAA will be seeking urgent clarification from Fremantle about the future of the production.

"Workers should be treated with respect - and certainly don't deserve to find out through the media they've been sacked."

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