Neil Finn, KIMBRA, Thomasin McKenzie and Peta Mathias rally behind So They Can's virtual dinner party on mission to break poverty

So They Can

Globally celebrated Kiwi singer-songwriters, Neil Finn and KIMBRA are set to perform at a virtual Global Dinner event hosted by international non-profit organisation, So They Can on Saturday 12th November 2022.

"I am proud to be a supporter of So They Can because they are providing education and care for thousands of young kids in some of the poorest areas of Africa. It gives me hope for the future. Their community is solid and skilled and what they have achieved already is remarkable. Now it can grow with our help. I'll be singing a few songs online at their Global Dinner event and debuting a new song inspired by these amazing kids. I feel lucky to have a small part in this ongoing work" said Neil Finn.

The stars will be joined online by popular New Zealand Food Writer and TV Presenter, Peta Mathias MNZM, who will be rustling up a delicious 2-course meal via an exclusive live-streamed cooking show. Joining Peta in the kitchen will be Kate Rodger, Entertainment Editor and Film Reviewer for News Hub NZ and Critics Choice, who is the event's MC for the night.

"I'm really excited to be teaming up with Kate Rodger in my kitchen at home soon for So They Can's Global Dinner. Together, we'll be showing event guests how to cook a delicious two course meal with the aim of raising funds for So They Can's empowerment and education programs in Kenya and Tanzania", said Peta Mathias MNZM, New Zealand Food Writer, Television Show Presenter, International Culinary Tour Host and So They Can Ambassador.

Breaking the poverty and hunger cycle through education

So They Can's Global Dinner is on a mission to raise awareness of the challenges faced by vulnerable African children living in poverty, and raise funds to enable them to have access to quality education, daily meals and safe drinking water.

Since 2010, So They Can has been working to improve the quality of education in Kenya and Tanzania. The NGO partners with 47 government schools to deliver a number of education and empowerment programs, including their School Feeding Program, that is essential to improving attendance rates and academic performance.

"Hunger is a huge problem in our communities. Many children are falling asleep at their desks due to being so underfed, burning all the energy they have walking, sometimes hours, to school. Our School Feeding Program plays a vital role in keeping children healthy, safe and nourished, so they can continue to stay in school and receive the education every child deserves", said Wanaka-based CEO and Co-Founder, Cassandra Treadwell.

Right now, our partner schools that have established Feeding Programs are experiencing a student attendance rate of 95%, while those that haven't, are just 48%. By coming together on 12th November, we can ensure more of our partner schools can implement this vital program that is quite literally saving lives."

The global event exists to inspire people around the world to come together and work alongside other global communities to help vulnerable children beyond our shores. In the lead up and on the night, So They Can hopes to raise $150,000 — enough to support 6 schools for an entire year, including the establishment and maintenance of their sustainable School Feeding Program, dishing up daily meals for 3,600 students.

Hallu Primary School in Tanzania is one such school where the introduction of a School Feeding Program has made a dramatic impact.

"Thank you So They Can for helping us encourage the implementation of our feeding program and showcase its importance to our community...Now our pupils are enjoying learning at school through the provision of food", said Henry, Head Teacher at Hallu Primary School.

Key Facts:

Key facts:

  • In Africa, 278 million people (20 percent of the continent's population) suffer from chronic hunger – World Economic Forum

  • Russia's war on Ukraine has exacerbated food supply problems, while climate change and the pandemic have also contributed – World Economic Forum

  • In sub-Saharan Africa, a shocking 28 million children are experiencing stunted growth due to malnutrition – Save the Children

  • 52% of the world's poorest children live in Africa – Save the Children

  • sub-Saharan Africa has the highest rates of education exclusion. Over one-fifth of children between the ages of about 6 and 11 are out of school – UNESCO

  • 9 million girls between the ages of about 6 and 11 will never go to school at all, compared to 6 million boys – UNESCO

  • One in three Africans— 422 million people—live below the global poverty line. They represent more than 70 percent of the world's poorest people – Brookings

About us:

So They Can is a not-for-profit organisation, committed to empowering children through education in Kenya and Tanzania.

As a global community, we know that education changes everything.

Since 2009, we have made it our mission to partner with schools, communities, stakeholders and donors to provide quality education for children living in poverty so they can break the cycle.

We do this through improving learning conditions and infrastructure, teacher training and development, and inclusive, reciprocal partnerships with the community and in-country governments.

We take a holistic approach to improving the quality of education — because we know that in order to make an impact, we need to focus on all aspects of education, governance and the environment.

As a result, we've developed our Education and Enhancement Programs and Projects that we currently deliver across 47 government schools that we proudly partner with, located in our 3 East African communities.

Our 3 Phase Development Model (Foundation, Core and Sustained) ensures that we deliver our projects, ever conscious of the need for sustainability and our exit.

By 2030, our goal is to partner with 60 schools throughout Kenya and Tanzania, and to have supported 36,000 students through our Education and Enhancement Projects, so they can go on to lift up their communities and create positive change.

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