Net Closes In Murder Investigation

Woodville Gardens man Bill Frangos was murdered more than three hours before his Essex Street home was set alight in a bid to destroy evidence, Major Crime Investigation Branch detectives have revealed.

In a significant development in the murder investigation, detectives have also revealed they believe those responsible for the murder returned to the scene in a distinctive grey Holden Commodore shortly before lighting the fire.

CCTV has revealed just after 3.30am on 7 November 2024 the grey Commodore – which has a silver front bumper panel, damage to the front passenger door and a black tyre rim on the front passenger side - was parked on Ridley Grove at Woodville Gardens, a short distance from Mr Frangos' Essex Street house.

A man wearing a backpack was seen walking from the grey Commodore towards the Essex Street house and a short time later CCTV captured it erupting in flames.

The vision also shows what detectives believe to be the same man then running back to Ridley Grove and leaving the area in a southerly direction in the grey Commodore.

In December detectives released CCTV of a red Ford Falcon XR6 utility leaving the vicinity of the murder. New CCTV footage reveals two people returning to this vehicle before it leaves. Investigations have revealed these two people are male of African appearance.

This vehicle has been seized by detectives as part of the investigation.

This new CCTV footage captured the two men walking between Mr Frangos' address and back to the utility parked in nearby Parker Street on a number of occasions between 10.30pm and midnight on 6 November 2024.

Detectives believe the same two men are responsible for Mr Frangos' murder and the subsequent arson attack on his home. It is believed the two men and Mr Frangos were acquainted and the murder is not random.

Major Crime Investigation Branch Officer-in-Charge Detective Superintendent Darren Fielke appealed for anyone with information on the whereabouts of the grey Commodore or who knows of any individual associated with it to contact police.

"It is a distinctive vehicle, particularly with the silver front bumper panel, that people will certainly recognise,'' he said.

"The investigation is now moving rapidly, but we are still seeking information from the public to obtain more evidence that will assist us in rebuilding the full picture of what happened that night.

"We are confident there will be a resolution in the case as investigations continue. The net is closing in on those responsible for Bill's murder. Now is the time to come forward with information.''

Anyone with any information on the grey Commodore or those associated with it during the evening of Wednesday 6 November and the early hours of Thursday 7 November are urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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